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the "NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW " against the God's Sabbath.

[hindura inkomoko]


  • Exodus 20:8-11 and Ezechiel 20:12 and Issai 66:23: God gave the sabbath tobe the sign between He and his peuple. See the 4th commendement.
  • The prophecy said that some one would try to change the times and the law of God. Read Daniel 7:25. Accordingly,this prophecy accomprished by the pope Gregoire XIII who changed the calendrier of God on the 31st October 1582.
  • It is the King of Roman empire " CONSTANTINE " in 321 After J. C with the cathoric church. This church sayw that it has the power to change the commendments. Read " PROMPTA BIBLIOTHECA, vol. VI, p. 25-29 ( year 1746 version and 1899 after J.C version); "GOD SPEAKS TO MODERN MAN, p. 317 "
    • About the 50000000 of peuple of God killed because they persisted from the keeping the false sabbat as the National sunday law stated.
      • For us today , There is help only in one line: Determined by the grace of God to live right yourself. Study the Bible , and obey it By the grace of Christ, your Lord and Saviour - at whatever cost. Only He can strenghten you to obey His written Word.Back in the Dark Ages, men and women were willing to die for what the Bible said.Are you willing to suffer today for the same truths? Will you stand for the faith of your fathers - the faith given you by the God of heaven in the Holy Bible?

‪# ‎Do we honestry recognize the signs of the times‬? "Ye can discern the face of the sky ; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" (Matthew 16:3) . The prophecies of Revelation 13 are rapidly being fulfilled. However are we to prepare for the trials that are soon to come? Our preparation must be spiritual and wise of course.

    • "Many today are fast asleep, as were the disples. They are not watching and praying lest they enter into temptation. Let us often read and give careful study to those portions of God's Word that have special reference to these last days, pointing out the dangers that will threaten God's people." ( The Review and Helard , July 7, 1910)